Case Study: Enhancing Splitwise's Web App User Flows and Interface


I conducted a heuristics evaluation of Splitwise’s web app and re-designed their web app.

Duration: Three months (April 2023 - July 2023)

Responsibilities: Web App UX/UI Design
Quick Links: Low-Fidelity PrototypeHigh-Fidelity Prototype
Software Used: Adobe XD, FigJam, Maze

ⁱ A Google Slides deck consisting of information gathering and visualisation tools that helped inform my design process.


Splitwise Logo

Splitwise is an application that allows users to track and share the cost of expenses with individuals or groups. It is commonly used by friends, partners or flatmates for shared household expenses or one-off trip expenses. It is available as a free or paid app on iOS, Android and the web.

This app was the cornerstone of my experience living and doing life with friends as a young adult studying in London. For all that the free version of the app has to offer, its accounting wizardry has been sufficient in delivering on its foundational premise. I thought it would be worthwhile to revisit and evaluate an app that has been indispensable to my social circle.

Where does Splitwise stand with users and the market?

Before diving into the evaluation and re-design of Splitwise’s web app, I did a quick scan of articles and reviews on the app.

Most reviews have been positive ones:

  • 5800 users on the Apple App Store gave the app a 4.2 star rating on average
  • The Android version has gotten a 4.3 star rating based on ~125,000 votes
  • This Wired listicle and this in-depth review on Business Insider, illustrates two of many gushing reviews of the wonder-app

Ratings of Splitwise on Google Play Store and Apple App Store and an Online Review of the App on Business Insider

Splitwise has also received head nods from various investors over the years since its founding in 2011. As an affirmation to its potential for growth, they have most recently managed to raise USD$20 million in Series A funding from Insight Partners in 2021.

The app is not without a few sticky issues.

  • People have highlighted that making payments within the app is neither user-friendly nor efficient (on TrustPilot as well as these two reviews - Review 1 and Review 2)
  • Splitwise users have to actively check the app or their emails for updates

Issues about the app’s usability aside, it is fascinating to note the behavioural aspects of sharing and splitting expenses. Attitudes about money, reciprocity, and lifestyle choices come to the fore.  Splitting expenses is not just a math problem to be solved but has become a test of financial compatibility for some.

This article tells a cautionary tale of a friendship imploding after someone had falsely indicated that she had ‘settled up’ a debt. Much to the chagrin of some, we need to admit that even technology cannot circumvent all questionable, anti-social behaviour when it comes to money matters.


For this design project, I decided to take stock of the user flows and the user interface of Splitwise’s web app by conducting a heuristic evaluation. I would then do a re-design of the web app to improve user flows and the user interface.

Evaluating the existing web app

The goal of this heuristic evaluation is to review Splitwise's web app. I hope to address user pain points encountered on the existing web app and improve user flows.

First Impressions
  1. The user interface of Splitwise’s web app looks dated.
  2. The web app has so much unused screen real estate, especially when viewed on a tablet or the desktop.
  3. The current layout and display of information does not feel useful for me as an existing Splitwise user. I struggle to see how the current dashboard provides a clear overview of my expenses and debts, i.e. the debts that I owe and debts that people owe me.
  4. Having teal and orange as their two primary colours for text, numbers and primary CTA buttons is distracting.

Figure 1 - 5. Screenshots of Several Web Pages for Splitwise’s Existing Web App — i. Dashboard ii. Group Page iii. Friend Page iv. Add an Expense v. Settle Up

Evaluating with 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design

Jakob Nielson’s 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design is one of the two commonly used heuristic guidelines for UX, UI and product designers to evaluate an existing digital product.

I completed a series of tasks as part of the evaluation, ranked the initial issues/problems that have been flagged on a 5-point rating scale before prioritising the issues to work on using a 2x2 matrixⁱ.

While a lot of the features were functional and users would have been able to complete key user tasks, the current user interface obscures some of the features and user flows. It would take a user some time to learn where these features are and how to use the app. Since it was not merely a cosmetic issue, I decided that an overhaul of the web app’s user interface would be on the agenda for the re-design.

Baseline Statistics for User Tasks on the Existing Web App

It is only fair to gauge how the current web app fares among users so I ran a usability test on it with 5 participants. I assigned the participants a series of 4 tasks using a dummy account I created on Splitwise:

  • Find the page that provides an overview of expenses with Jun Er.
  • Locate the page for the group called "Sago Lane".
  • Now that you are at the page for "Sago Lane", add an expense. 
  • Settle up an existing debt you owe Jun Er.

The Task Completion Rate for this leg of usability testing is 95% with the average Customer Effort Score (CES) standing at 4.2/5 (with 1 being Very Difficult and 5 being Very Easy).

The table illustrates the average duration participants took to complete each of the tasks listed above:

Time on Task - Average Duration (s)
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4

Table 1. Average Time on Task for Tasks Completed During Baseline Usability Testing

*The longer Time on Task figure includes the amount of time the participant took to complete the task when he prompted me to give him a hint.

Creating a ‘shared’ user experience for shared expenses

What is missing from the existing user flows? It seems that for an app that positions itself as a shared expenses app, many tasks and decisions can be made unilaterally by individual users.

I proposed one new user flow and made changes to an existing user flow. The new user flow requires users to send requests to friends on the app to settle up. The friend can respond to the request in three ways:

  1. They can accept it.
  2. They can suggest changes to the request.
  3. They can reject the request.

While this increases the number of steps in the user flow to settle up a debt between two friends, it also presents a solution to the problem arising from the original user flow where an individual can unilaterally decide to settle a debt.

The addition of this user flow provides more clarity for both individuals involved in the settlement. Furthermore, it allows for the individuals to verify the details of the settlement and for them to agree on it or to initiate changes.

A Diagram Illustrating the Proposed User Flow for Sending Requests to Settle Up Debts on Splitwise
Figure 2. Proposed User Flows for Users to Send Requests to Settle Up Debts

There were several issues when making a payment with PayPal:

  • The details of the debt and the person being paid was not transposed for me after being re-directed to PayPal
  • I was not directed back to Splitwise after making the payment
  • I had to manually return to the original browser tab and begin the whole process to “Record a Payment” in order to settle up the debt

I made changes accordingly to ensure a seamless user flow and to reduce the steps required to complete a payment via PayPal. What these changes entails for the user is that they can skip the “Record a Payment” flow and immediately proceed to send their request to settle up the debt.

(Note: This part of the user flow involves PayPal, an external payment processor, therefore this might constrain what can be done for this suggested user flow change.)

A Diagram Illustrating the Changes in the User Flow for Settling Up a Debt on Splitwise
Figure 3. Changes to PayPal Payment Flow to Ensure a Seamless User Experience

Low-Fidelity Prototype and Comparative Usability Testing

I came up with three design proposals for the new user interface.

Figure 4. Three Proposed Versions of the Dashboard, Group Page and Add an Expense Modal

I proceeded to conduct comparative usability testing using these three designs. Based on the first round of testing and feedback from participants, I made some changes and created one finalised low-fidelity prototype.

  • One major decision was to incorporate tabbed views of related information together, e.g. the respective amounts for You are Owed and You Owe)
    ◦ This allows users to focus on specified types of information they want to view without being overwhelmed by other information
  • The modals had most of the data fields listed on a single screen (two screens if users were adding a note or attachments)
    ◦ More users preferred having the data fields to be listed on the same screen over progressive disclosure because it allows them to view and edit information all at once

Figure 5. Wireframes for the Finalised Low-Fidelity Prototype — i. Dashboard ii. Group Page iii. Add an Expense iv. Respond to a Request to Settle Up v. Record a Payment

You may view the final version of the low fidelity prototype to see how it has evolved from the three initial proposed low fidelity designs.

High-Fidelity Prototype

Working on the high-fidelity prototype was a vital way to refresh the Splitwise brandⁱ. A major part of it was to update the colour palette; I tapped on the original brand colours to inspire a new one.

Colour Palette Indicating the Range of Colours Used for the Text, Lines and Borders, Icons, Notifications and Statistical Diagrams Found in the Re-Design of Splitwise's Web App
Figure 6. Colour Palette for the Re-Design

For the main CTA colour, I decided to use one colour only — a forest green — instead of teal and orange. I used various shades of orange and green to indicate different users and different categories for the data visualisation on the web app.

Set of Icons Used for the Splitwise Web App Re-Design
Figure 7. Icons Used for the Web App

I built a set of icons that speak to the different actions on Splitwise. These icons were either customised by combining icons from Untitled UI’s community file to form composite icons or taken directly from the file. I also adopted some icons from the Dashboard UI Kit provided by Adobe XD.

For elements that had to be repeated across multiple screens and elements that have various states, I created components out of themⁱ. These components also helped in adding interactivity to the high-fidelity prototype alongside the connections made between the screens to create the user flows as illustrated in Figure 2 and Figure 3.

After completing the first iteration of the high-fidelity prototype, I uploaded the prototype onto Maze. Once again, I reached out to 5 participants to conduct usability testing. As per the first round of user testing, there were two non-Splitwise users and three Splitwise users.

High-Fi Prototype Obtained a 100% Task Completion Rate
  • Overall usability score for the high-fidelity prototype's first iteration stood at 87 (Maze Usability Score — MAUS)
  • Average user rating was 4 points on a 5-point scale (with 1 being the most difficult and 5 being the easiest)
  • The mean misclick rate was 39.5% (this was affected by two outliers in a small data set)
  • A report for the usability test is available for viewing

One shortcoming of Maze is that it is not able to display the micro-interactions I had incorporated into my high-fidelity prototype. As a result, the participants were not able to experience the prototype as I had intended for them to.

A GIF Image Showing the Micro-Interactions that Happens When the User Hovers Over Navigation Bar Buttons, Help Buttons and Call-to-Action Buttons
Figure 8. A GIF Showing the Micro-Interactions on the High-Fidelity Prototype

Nonetheless, I decided to use Maze. The benefits and learning points outweighed the shortcomings. I wanted to run a round of unmoderated usability testing to see how intuitive the high-fidelity design is for participants without my guidance.

An Image Showing the Two Tabs that Users Can Toggle Between to View Results in Blocks or by Participants
Figure 9. Maze Analytics from Two Points of View - Looking at Results by Blocks or By Participants

Maze provides analytics from two points of view; the first way to make sense of the data was to analyse them block by block while the second way was to follow each participants’ journey through the usability test.

A Screenshot Showing the Data for a Task Assigned to Users on the Usability Testing
Figure 10. One User Path a Participant Took to Indirect Success to Settle Up a Debt with Jun Er

Looking at the data block by block enabled me to consider the indirect successes on the blocks where participants had used alternative pathways to get to the final point in the flow. It was eye-opening as it challenges the assumption I had that I had included all of the possible paths and that users would follow the paths I had indicated.

A Screenshot that Shows the Responses and User Path for a Task from Participant 1
Figure 11. Responses and User Paths Taken by Participant 1 on the Usability Test

When I considered the data from the perspective of each participant, it became clearer to me the recurring issues each of them faced through the succession of tasks.

Re-Designed Web App Provides More Clarity

Comparing the numbers from before and after the re-design, there are wins for my version of Splitwise. But there are also shortcomings when compared to the existing version of the web app.

Existing Web App (Baseline)
Re-Designed Web App
Difference in User Metrics
Number of Tasks
Number of Participants
Task Completion Rate
Customer Effort Score (CES)

Table 2. Comparing Number of Tasks, Number of Participants, Task Completion Rates and Customer Effort Score (CES) between Baseline and Re-Designed Splitwise Web App

Time on Task - Average Duration (s)
Difference in Time on Task (s)
Existing Web App (Baseline)
Re-Designed Web App
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5

Table 3. Comparing Time on Tasks between Baseline and Re-Designed Splitwise Web App

Taking into account the comments participants gave for the existing web app and the feedback given on the re-designed version adds a different perspective to these numbers. They were able to complete the tasks with more clarity on the re-designed web app as opposed to just clicking away and hoping for the intended outcome to materialise, as illustrated by this particular quote:

It's more I had to guess that this would mean settling up all the debts with Jun Er. Maybe it would be clearer to say settle up all debts.

- Participant 3 (User Testing for Existing Web App)

Four of the five participants mentioned how profile pictures of other users and iconography served as informative visual cues that aided them in completing the tasks on the high-fidelity prototype of the re-designed web app.

Easy, got to know the icons and then it become easier to understand.

- Participant 4 (User Testing for Re-Designed Web App)

Keeping the user feedback in mind, I made the following changes to the high-fidelity prototype:

  • Added accompanying text to supplement customised CTA symbols created for the re-design, namely the Settle Up button and the Request Payment button
  • Included another field for users to indicate an alternative reason when rejecting a Request to Settle Up
  • Added help buttons that have a tool-tip micro-interaction on hover to explain to users the people who will fall under the categories of ‘Paid By’ and ‘Split Amongst’

The live high-fidelity prototype is available for viewing.

Potential Next Steps

  • Explore ways to integrate bank accounts and having default accounts that users can make and receive payments with
  • As a broader review of Splitwise, consider how users and user groups are organised
    ◦ Does the social categorisation of ‘Friends’ and ‘Groups’ work?
    ◦ How to organise debts and expenses with friends that users have non-group and group expenses with?

Some Thoughts and Considerations

This project has given me a fresh perspective on what it would be like to work on an existing product. This has enabled me to understand the importance of iteration in the design process and product life cycle.

What I took away from completing this case study:

  • Running the heuristic evaluation and comparative usability testing has made me more cognizant of how usability heuristics show up and shape the designs of digital products I encounter
  • Knowing and comparing the benefits and tradeoffs between using software to conduct unmoderated user testing versus having a designer/researcher conduct moderated user testing is essential to consider for different stages/types of prototype

Splitwise has saved my friends and I the hassle from having to amass a pile of receipts, entering them into the group chat, and tracking whether Zac has paid his share of the rent or not. I hope Splitwise continues to roll out future versions of the app that can further prevent hair-splitting moments of tension between people over shared expenses.